Update and Upgrade Policy
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The Uniform NutriBase Update/Upgrade Policy

This web site allows you to download free updates any time day or night for any version of NutriBase that you have purchased. (For example, if your latest purchase was the NB19 Personal Plus Edition, you are entitled to download the final release of the NB19 Personal Plus Edition.)

At CyberSoft, we do not charge annual fees.

Our policy toward updates and upgrades is simple: Updates are free for the version you purchase; upgrades to major new releases are available at discount. There are no "annual subscription fees."

If we release a new version within 60 days of your purchase, we will provide you a free download (and activation) for the new version at no charge to you. Free phone support (Mon-Thurs, 8-3, Arizona time) never expires and email technical support (seven days a week) never expires.

"Updates" and "Upgrades" are not the same thing...

Updates - An update is an interim release that fixes bugs, improves performance, enhances usability, updates data, or adds new features to an existing version. Version numbers look like v16.0, v.16.1, v.16.2, etc. If your original purchase was for, say, NutriBase 2016 - "NB16" - then you are entitled to all the updates we release that begin with the number "16." Updates for the various editions can be downloaded - 24/7 - from our web site at no charge.... just use the Updates link in the upper left corner of every page on this web site. To see a description of every update we've released this century, visit our Update History page.

The latest release of the NutriBase 20 will update all older versions of NutriBase 20. For example, installing version 16.3 would update NB16 versions 16.0, 16.1, and 16.2. There is no need to install each update in sequence. Bear in mind, however, that a NB16 update will not update NutriBase 10 or any other versions... an NB16 update is only capable of updating previous releases of NutriBase 16.

Upgrades An upgrade is a major new release of NutriBase. When we release a major new release, we change the first number in the NutriBase version number. Moving from any version of NB16, NB17, NB18, or NB19 to the current version - NB20 - would be an "Upgrade."

To qualify for an upgrade to NutriBase 20, you must be a registered user of NB19, NB18, NB17, or NB16.

There is a fee for upgrading, but it is discounted compared to a first-time purchase. To check upgrade pricing, click the Upgrades option in the navigation bar at the top of this or any other NutriBase web page.)

The NutriBase End User License governs the usage of the NutriBase software.

If you have any questions about updates or upgrades, please email us anytime by clicking the email icon in the lower right corner of any page on this web site.

Copyright 1986 - 2020 by CyberSoft, Inc., an Arizona Corporation. All rights reserved.