Automatic Backup (Scheduling) Options
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Click the NutriBase Menu Icon located in the upper left corner of your NutriBase window.

Next, click the “Options” button at the bottom of the resulting window to access and view the NutriBase Options. Doing so takes you to the NutriBase Options window. You will see several choices, including Backup, Restore, Client Import and a button labeled: “Options.”

Clicking this “Options” button will take you to a window that offers additional choices, including: General options, Email Setup, Automatic Backup, Quick Access Toolbar, File Locations, and Resources.

Automatic Backup - Click this button to set up your automatic backup schedule for the data (PFI's, Food Logs, Recipes, etc.) you create with NutriBase.

We highly recommend you make regular backups… doing so may prevent the loss of a lot of your work (Recipes, Food Logs, Meals, Meal Plans, client data).

This topic updated 06/24/2015

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