How to Conduct a Recipe Search
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You can always view your Recipes by clicking the Recipes Tab and then clicking the Folders button. This will display your Recipes alphabetically by folder name. (You named these folders for your own convenience.)

If you want to conduct a search across your Recipes, you can. This may make sense if you want to locate all the Recipes that have "Egg" anywhere in their Recipe name.

Set your Food Lookups window to look like the one below. This Food Lookup window is set to conduct a food name search across your Recipes. It is searching for your Recipes that contain the word "onion" in your food name.

Suppose you only want to locate Recipes that contain the word "onion" in any ingredient in that Recipe. Set your Food Lookups window like this:

This will locate all your Recipes that have "onion" in the ingredient listing. This advanced search option has other options. You could, for example exclude all Recipes that contain "garlic" in the ingredient names.

If you right click over your Search Results screen, you will see this menu:

Click any column header to sort all the displayed data from high-to-low based on the values in that column. (This is a very popular feature.)

Click the same column header again to reverse the sort order. You can do this for any nutrient.

The red triangles in the upper right corner of the food name boxes indicate that the food name is a Recipe.

When you right click over your search results in this screen, you get the following menu.

This menu gives you a variety of options:

When you select Food Categories you have the option to also select the subcategories for the major Food Categories. We call this option using the Advanced Food Categories option. To enable this, right click over the area where you search results are displayed and checking the "Advanced Food Categories" option. Turn this option off by un-checking this option.

The Auto Search option tells NutriBase to reconduct the previous search when you select another Food Category.

The Search Footer option allows you to search for strings within your search results if desired.

Hide/Show nutrients allows you to select which nutrients you want to display in your Search Results.

Reset columns returns your nutrient columns to their original default positions (after you have rearranged them by dragging and dropping them into a new sequence).

Add selected Recipe adds the selected Recipe to the Recipe you have open. This Recipe is added as a single item that uses the Recipe name for that item.

Add selected Recipe's ingredients adds the selected Recipe to the Recipe you have open. This Recipe is added as a list of all the ingredients in this Recipe.

Selecting Item details shows all the data for the selected food item in a single screen view. (You can also do this by simply double-clicking any food item.)

Add to PFI will transfer the selected food item and add it to your Personal Foods as a PFI. (You can go back to it later and edit it as desired.)

Export to XLS allows you to export the selected Recipe to an Excel file.

Export to CSV allows you to export the selected Recipe to a Caret Separated Values text file.

Item cost allows you to add the cost of any highlighted food item.

This Help Topic was written to help you get familiar with the kinds of things you can do when you conduct searches. It does not provide a spoon feed for every possible thing you might ever want to do. We recommend you "play" with your NutriBase searches to see just how far you can go with them.

This topic updated 07/16/2015

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