How to Use Your NBFTE (Next Best Food To Eat)
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NutriBase can help you select the next best food to eat. Here’s how it works: You first begin recording foods into your daily Food Log. After you eat a minimum of 15% of your daily calorie goal, the “NBFTE” button will appear on your Food Log window.

Click the “NBFTE” button to display your next best foods to eat. NutriBase compares the nutrition from the foods you have eaten so far against your nutrition goals for the day. (By default, this goal is the DRI for you age and gender, but you have the ability to customize these goals as desired in your Client Profile (Professional Editions) of your User Profile (Personal Editions).

Performing this comparison tells NutriBase which nutrients are needed and which nutrients are the most inadequate based on what you have eaten so far today. NutriBase runs a proprietary algorithm that compares your nutrient needs with every food item in our NDI Nutrient Database (see Glossary of NutriBase Terms). The resulting output from this algorithm is a listing of food items. They will appear in your Search Results window in the bottom portion of your Food Log window.

1) We evaluate the values for 25 nutrients to derive a food item’s NDI (see Glossary of NutriBase Terms). Most Brand Name foods do not qualify for consideration. (A food that lacks values for most vitamins and minerals is unsuitable for consideration as a high nutrition food.)
2) If you rely on the NBFTE function, you can optimize results by recording your Food Log entries using data from the USDA or Canadian nutrient databases. This will give you more complete vitamin and mineral data and provide a more accurate baseline for calculating your NBFTE.
3) When you include Brand Name data in your Food Logs, NutriBase assumes that missing values (displayed in NutriBase as blanks) are zero. This means the NBBFTE function will likely give you foods that offer more nutrition than you actually need to meet your daily nutrient goals. This is not usually a bad trade off.

This topic updated 06/24/2015

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